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Fair Use Policy for tracker SIM

The “Tracker SIM” and “Smart Access” subscriptions apply to normal personal use. If proves that the use differs significantly from normal use or if there are indications that the SIM is used for special applications (e.g. streaming TV and videos), reserves the right to discontinue or restrict the service at any time, respectively to take another suitable measure.

1. Normal personal use:

"Normal personal use" is understood by AG to be normal mobile use up to a monthly data volume of 20 GB in connection with the use of SIM in a mobile device for internet connections. Each additional, started GB will be charged at CHF 20.00 per GB.

2. Significant deviations from normal use and special applications:

"Significant deviation from normal use" and "special applications" mean that the subscription is used for purposes other than intended (i.e. not in the sense of a normal mobile connection) or improperly used.

The abuses involve illegal use such as fraud, spam, etc. If suspects a case under section 2, it will contact the customer to discuss the situation. will only take a suitable measure if it is actually a case under Section 2 and the customer is not willing to stop using it.

Version 1.2, valid from February 2020